Friday, September 30, 2011

Thing 21: Zotero

What is Zotero? It is citation management software that lives right in your Firefox browser. It is similar to EndNote, but I at least have always found Zotero easier to use.

So what do you need to know about it? Everything! Check out their website, to get it installed on your computer.

If you want more information on how to use it, check out all the tutorials in the E-Learning Center

And, of course, your assignment is to write up your experience on your blog.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thing 20: Bookmarklets

What are bookmarklets? I couldn't find a better explanation than the one at Wikipedia. What are some examples? Well, why don't you find some of those and tell us about your two favorites?

If you are looking for some ASU Library-centric ones, you can see the ones I created here.

After you write the blog post telling us about your favorites, maybe you have a suggestion for other bookmarklets I could create to make your job easier? Tell me about it and I'll make one just for you!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thing 19: Delicious

Delicious has had a rather rocky history, but they're still going strong, and the idea is still a good one. How else are you going to organize all the website links you want to save, tag them, make them available to others, and be able to access them anywhere?

Don't believe me? Then it's time to try it out. Here's a little more about it:

Now, it's time to install Delicious. And start adding some bookmarks. If you want to look at my bookmarks, do a search for user "serice7"

So to show off all the fun you had, write a blog post talking about your experience and giving suggestions for using Delicious in the library.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Things 17 and 18: Firefox and Chrome

Hopefully, you are already using Firefox and/or Google Chrome as your browser(s) of choice. If not, the first task is for you to install Firefox and/or Chrome.

If you already have these browsers installed, then your task is to try out two new extensions and write about your experience on your blog.

For Firefox extensions, go here.
For Chrome extensions, go here.

If you're needing some inspiration for useful extensions, try:
100 essential Firefox add-ons for librarians
Favorite Google Chrome extensions for librarians

If I get enough of your responses for a good-sized list, I'll add them to my E-Learning LibGuide so everyone can share in the goodness.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thing 16: Pandora

This one is pure fun! I thought you needed a little excitement and not have to be thinking all the time about how to use this techie stuff for the library. If you can come up with a use for Pandora in the library, go for it!

Otherwise, go to Pandora, set up a free account and listen to some music.

To prove you did it, write a blog post telling us what is the favorite station that you created.