Friday, October 14, 2011

Thing 23: One Last Thing

No, One Last Thing isn't a technology. It's your opportunity to reflect on the 23 Things program and provide us feedback with how well it worked for you, what went well and what didn't, and how we can improve the program the next time around.

And don't forget to write all that goodness up on your blog!

Thanks for participating!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thing 22: IM

IM? You know: Instant Messaging. It's the thing staring you in the face whenever you go to the library's home page. Library H3lp? Chat with a Librarian?

Well, you don't have to be a librarian to use it, you already have an account. You can go to and just start chatting with any of your co-workers.

In fact, that's the assignment: Use Library H3lp at least 3 times this week to chat with 3 different co-workers to try it out. Now, how easy is that? How come you're not using it all the time?

As always, write up your experiences on your blog.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Thing 21: Zotero

What is Zotero? It is citation management software that lives right in your Firefox browser. It is similar to EndNote, but I at least have always found Zotero easier to use.

So what do you need to know about it? Everything! Check out their website, to get it installed on your computer.

If you want more information on how to use it, check out all the tutorials in the E-Learning Center

And, of course, your assignment is to write up your experience on your blog.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thing 20: Bookmarklets

What are bookmarklets? I couldn't find a better explanation than the one at Wikipedia. What are some examples? Well, why don't you find some of those and tell us about your two favorites?

If you are looking for some ASU Library-centric ones, you can see the ones I created here.

After you write the blog post telling us about your favorites, maybe you have a suggestion for other bookmarklets I could create to make your job easier? Tell me about it and I'll make one just for you!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thing 19: Delicious

Delicious has had a rather rocky history, but they're still going strong, and the idea is still a good one. How else are you going to organize all the website links you want to save, tag them, make them available to others, and be able to access them anywhere?

Don't believe me? Then it's time to try it out. Here's a little more about it:

Now, it's time to install Delicious. And start adding some bookmarks. If you want to look at my bookmarks, do a search for user "serice7"

So to show off all the fun you had, write a blog post talking about your experience and giving suggestions for using Delicious in the library.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Things 17 and 18: Firefox and Chrome

Hopefully, you are already using Firefox and/or Google Chrome as your browser(s) of choice. If not, the first task is for you to install Firefox and/or Chrome.

If you already have these browsers installed, then your task is to try out two new extensions and write about your experience on your blog.

For Firefox extensions, go here.
For Chrome extensions, go here.

If you're needing some inspiration for useful extensions, try:
100 essential Firefox add-ons for librarians
Favorite Google Chrome extensions for librarians

If I get enough of your responses for a good-sized list, I'll add them to my E-Learning LibGuide so everyone can share in the goodness.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thing 16: Pandora

This one is pure fun! I thought you needed a little excitement and not have to be thinking all the time about how to use this techie stuff for the library. If you can come up with a use for Pandora in the library, go for it!

Otherwise, go to Pandora, set up a free account and listen to some music.

To prove you did it, write a blog post telling us what is the favorite station that you created.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thing 14/15: Audiobooks/E-books

I decided to combine these two things together because, well, they're somewhat related and I've got the same task for both. Audiobooks and e-books are just books in a non-traditional format. But are they as easy to use as regular books? What can we do to make them better and easier for our patrons?

So that's the assignment:
  • Find an audiobook and an e-book in our catalog
  • Try to access each one and read (or listen to) some of both
  • Post on your blog what problems you had
  • Also write about what suggestions for improvements or crazy new ideas you have for these non-traditional formats

Friday, June 10, 2011

Thing 13: Podcasts

I would be surprised if you haven't heard by now about Podcasting, but you never know!

Here's a little bit about how it works in case you were wondering:

But the real question is: What do we do with it? Well, you tell me...

For this Thing:
  • Find an example of something interesting that a library is doing with podcasting
  • Blog about it
  • Explain whether ASU could do the same or similar

Core Values - June

We're in the home stretch! In June, we will combining two Core Values: Adaptibility and Team Focus.

The Strategic Plan has the following to say about Adaptibility:
  • Adjusts planned work by gathering relevant information and applying critical thinking to address multiple demands
  • and competing priorities in a changing environment
  • Adapts readily to changes in policy and procedures
  • Responds well to changes in direction and priorities
  • Leads change
  • Adjusts to changes in priorities
  • Helps others adapt to change
  • Modifies or changes strategies to ensure the best chance of success

And Team Focus:
  • Works cooperatively and effectively with others to achieve common goals
  • Participates in building group identity characterized by pride, trust, and commitment
  • Commits to meeting team objectives
  • Participates in group discussions
  • Gives and accepts feedback openly and constructively
  • Supports group decisions and outcomes through actions and communication
  • Looks for areas of common agreement
  • Effectively negotiates and compromises
For this month's activities:
  • Meet with other participants in the Core Values program from your team
  • Discuss the following:
    • One recent change made by the team
    • Reasons for the change
    • Results of the change
    • If the results were negative or neutral, how could the results have been more positive?
    • If the results were positive, how can making changes this way be continued?
  • Write it up on your blog!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Thing 12: Intranet

These things just keep on getting easier! For this week's thing, put some content on the library intranet. If you absolutely can't find anything you can put on the intranet, find something you can comment on.

As always, once you've done it, write a blog post and tell us about it!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thing 11: Wikis

Once again, you probably already know about wikis. If you don't, go find out, I'll wait!

OK, did you try PBworks? How about Wet Paint?

But let me challenge you a little more. Check out this use of wikis in libraries:

The Ohio University Libraries Biz Wiki

For this week's Thing,
  • Find another innovative use of a library wiki
  • Link to it and tell us about it
  • Put on your thinking cap and see if you can brainstorm some other idea

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thing 10: Google Docs

You know the drill. Go check out Google Docs. Here I'll make it easier, watch this:

For this Thing:
  • Post an example of one thing that you could begin doing on Google Docs
  • At a later time (hopefully after you've tried it) post again and tell us how it worked out

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Core Values - April - Cooperation

The Core Value of Cooperation is defined in the Strategic Plan this way:

  • Takes responsibility for completing work assignments and projects on time
  • Offering assistance to those who might need help in their commitments
  • Responds appropriately and in a timely manner to requests for assistance from co-workers Communicates an impending missed deadline to those who may be affected
  • Shows flexibility in adapting to scheduling, work loads, and work flow
  • Makes a positive contribution to solving problems.
For this month's Core Value, we are asking everyone interested in participating to attend a different team meeting than their own.

Once you've sat in on another team meeting, post to your blog any reflections you may have on the experience, especially if it fostered some inter-team collaboration.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thing 9: Flickr

So, again, you probably already know what Flickr is. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go check it out. It's OK, I'll wait.

OK good, you've got the idea. But for this thing, let's think about what we could do with Flickr that is out of the ordinary. Check out Spell With Flickr.

What do you think? Pretty neat, huh?

So for this Thing:
  1. Find some other use for Flickr. It could be a mashup using Flickr content like the example I showed you, or it could just be an innovative use to which someone else has put the site.
  2. Write it up on your blog. Tell us about it, link us to it, let us know your thoughts on whether or not we can use it here in the library.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Core Values - February - Problem Solving/Decision Making

The Core Value of Problem Solving/Decision Making is defined in the Strategic Plan as:

  • Recognizes patterns
  • Draws logical conclusions
  • Makes recommendations for action
  • Uses a well-ordered approach to solving problems
  • Uses sound judgment in making decisions despite obstacles or resistance
  • Gathers, utilizes, and interprets relevant information when making decisions
  • Considers the risk, benefit, and impact of decisions
  • Balances reasonable risks against potential gain in making decisions and proposals
To assist in focusing on this core value, Pat Sweet will be offering a seminar on problem solving and decision making. You can attend either of two sessions: February 23 at 2 pm in Room 421, or February 24 at 2 pm in Room 028.

After the session, write a post in your blog reflecting on the material that Pat presents.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Thing 8: YouTube

You already know about YouTube, right? You use it all the time, I'm sure. So this will be easy, and fun.

For this Thing:
  1. Find the funniest/most awesome library-related video on YouTube, and
  2. Embed it in your blog (not a link, the actual video)

There, that wasn't so hard, was it?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thing 7: Skype

This time, it's easy. Just go look at Skype, it's at Try it out.

On your blog:
  • Tell us who you talked to and what it was like.
  • Think of any uses for Skype the library could take advantage of

Monday, January 24, 2011

Thing 6: Screencasting

Because of the fun weather and other excitement, we're a little late getting back on track, we'll fix up the schedule a bit later. So let's get started already: Thing 6 is all about screencasting. What is screencasting? Basically, it's all about making a movie of your desktop usually while you're demonstrating something. Now I'm sure you've heard of Camtasia and Captivate and may have even heard of Jing. (If not, go find out now, I'll wait).

For this Thing:
  • Find a screencasting tool not mentioned above and give it a whirl.
  • On your blog, give us a link and a review of the screencasting tool
  • Also, see if you can come up with any extra clever ideas for screencasting we're not currently doing

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Core Values - January - Accountability

The Core Value of Accountability is defined in the Strategic Plan as:
  • Accepts responsibility for own actions and decisions
  • Demonstrates commitment to accomplish work in an ethical, efficient, and cost-effective manner
  • Takes responsibility for self-development
  • Actively and continuously learns
  • Efficiently monitors progress on projects
  • Takes responsibility for knowing, understanding, and correctly implementing library policies
To assist in focusing on this value, write a short entry in your blog that describes a work related new year resolution that you have that you will....(surprise)...hold yourself accountable for.